Why use affiliate marketing coaching? As a beginner in affiliate marketing there can be all kinds of distractions. There’s a variety of problems with affiliate marketing particularly when you’re getting started:
- Shiny object syndrome – looking for the “easy” path and jumping from course to course
- Being a busy fool – spending time on the least necessary actions and avoiding the important steps
- Getting stuck in learning mode – constantly watching training videos without implementing any actual strategies
One of the biggest problems with affiliate marketing is that most new affiliates are completely alone in their business. Being cut off from other like-minded people can be very tough. Many of your close circle are likely to dissuade you, whether consciously or otherwise. See also self image, paradigm and circle of influence.

New affiliates generally come from an employee background and employees don’t have an entrepreneurial mindset. Affiliate marketing is a performance based business so you get paid only when you make sales.
However, most people are programmed to work 40 hours a week after which they expect to be paid for their time. As an entrepreneur you don’t get paid for the time you spend, so you must focus on the most important actions to get traction in your business.
Why Use Affiliate Marketing Coaching?
A coach is someone who has already achieved the outcome you’re seeking, so they can shave years off your journey. They know which actions will generate the most traction and which actions are mostly a waste of your precious time!

It is in the moments of fear, scepticism and doubt where you’ll think about quitting. Not doing so is the best decision you’ll make! A coach has already gone through these very emotions and overcame them.
Coaches have learned strategies and mindsets which kept them going when they thought about giving up.
The skills of entrepreneurs are hard won and as a beginner in affiliate marketing you’re likely to need different mindsets and skills than you already have. One of these is a “whatever it takes” mentality. Affiliate marketing is tough, and there’s a large drop out rate. Around 95% of affiliates will quit. To join the 5% who sticks at it is much easier with a mentor/coach helping and supporting you.
Being held accountable might sound like a bad thing when you’re thinking of “cutting out on your own” as an entrepreneur. But you won’t be an “entrepreneur” for long if you don’t make any money out of it! Trying to do everything alone is pretty much a guarantee for failure as an affiliate. Top performers in every industry seek out mentors and coaches to help them. Look at those at the very top of their game – they don’t achieve it alone. They get help and support.

You will need to have incredible discipline over a long period of time for success with affiliate marketing when you’re doing everything alone. Even the most disciplined person has their limits. I personally struggled with affiliate marketing for years before getting the help and support which I thought I could do without.
I completely changed the way I did affiliate marketing when I realised what I was doing wrong. Had I found a community years earlier it would have saved me a tonne of struggle and failure. Access free videos to learn more here.