Overcoming poverty mindset can take some time but it’s worth the effort. A poverty mindset is a self fulfilling prophecy which can be detrimental in your efforts of building a profitable online business. If you are holding thoughts of “never enough” for example in terms of yourself or money, you’re going to sabotage any efforts to turn things around financially if you perpetually give energy to this belief.
Similarly if you have negative ideas surrounding the subjects of wealth, money, cashflow or abundance, it can be like driving a car with the hand break on in terms of building an income online.
So how can you overcome these deep seated ideas? Well for starters you can bring these negative perceptions to your conscious awareness. The programs which we are unconscious of will run in the background, operating things without our knowing. As Carl Jung observed “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.
Overcoming Poverty Mindset – Observation
There’s a few ways you can start observing your ideas around this topic. It can be useful to write down your intentions/goals regarding what you want to achieve. Then, write down the reasons why you haven’t achieved them yet. This can highlight some of your counter-intentions.
On a recent coaching call we noticed some strong objections around the subject of money which came out in conversation. You can observe these yourself when you’re chatting with friends or family. Notice what you say about money, abundance and in particular any strong emotions regarding this topic.
Money can be a contentious issue and often is. How do you feel about the wealthy? Do you consider yourself to be poor or rich? You can also find my ebook on this topic here and there’s a few exercises you can go though which will help you to bring awareness to this topic.
Another means of decluttering your mind of negative ideas around abundance/poverty is through meditation and self observation in a quiet state.
Set Positive Intentions/journaling
Setting intentions or goals isn’t everyone’s bag. But if you want to create more abundance through an online business, eliminating conflicting and self nullifying beliefs is a good place to start. One simple exercise is to write out your intentions each day for your online business. Here’s an example:
“I now make $500 a month from my online business”, or “I generate online sales every day”
You’re bound to experience some contradicting ideas if you write out goals which contradict your beliefs around money. Particularly if they seem out of reach. So write goals/intentions which are just slightly out of your comfort zone so you don’t reject them out of hand. If a goal is believable, you’re more likely to follow through with the daily practice.
By writing out your goal for your online business each day, you bring more awareness to your intention and start to hard wire it into your subconscious mind. As your sceptical mind raises it’s head, simply observe and keep going. It can take some time for the results to materialise in real life, but it starts with an intention you believe in and can follow through with using practical daily steps.
Journalling is a great way to get your intentions on paper and outline exactly what it is you intend to create. Without doing so, your plans can remain hazy and undefined. How can your subconscious mind deliver results to you if you are so vague and full of counter-intentions?
2 responses to “Overcoming Poverty Mindset”
[…] See also my article on overcoming poverty mindset. […]
[…] Mindset – overcoming limiting beliefs […]