How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Mentor

Wondering how to find an affiliate marketing mentor? I found a community of mentors and coaches and they helped me overcome the issues I was having with affiliate marketing. As a brand new affiliate, I struggled with a number of issues. From time management, commitment issues and consistency to overcoming poor self image, changing my self identity and uncovering my limiting beliefs which were holding me back.

finding a mentor

It wasn’t only the technical issues which were a problem. It was also the issues I was carrying in my unconscious mind! But there were plenty of technical issues too. The business model I initially used as an affiliate was flawed. I used a marketing strategy which I couldn’t control the outcome of – mostly search engine optimisation. Although SEO has its place, it’s a limited strategy.

I was also promoting low cost products, such as book from Amazon. What I didn’t realise back then was that I would have had to sell millions of products to make an income from this strategy.

How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Mentor

I joined a community in 2014 and was able to connect with group calls and find a coach. You can access the same community here. A community itself can give you accountability, confidence and self assurance. When I was going it alone, I didn’t have any confidence in what I was doing. So simply by finding other affiliates it gave me confidence that I wasn’t alone in my efforts.

how to find an affiliate marketing mentor

I found coaches later through the community and was able to work one on one with a couple of coaches/mentors. This helped me by holding me accountable and keeping me motivated. I knew if I was seeing my coach, I would have to report back as to what I had accomplished since our last meeting. This alone was enough to motivate me to take more consistent actions.

Get A Free Assessment

how to find an affiliate marketing mentor

So how can you find an affiliate marketing mentor? I found one through this community, but there’s other ways:

  • A Google search
  • YouTube
  • Bing/Microsoft search engine

For a long time I tried to do everything as an affiliate completely for free. But don’t expect an affiliate coach to offer their services for nothing! However, I’m offering a free coaching call for an initial assessment for anyone wanting to get coaching on a regular basis. You can access a free coaching session of 30 minutes here.

You’ll need to have at least made a sale online as an affiliate to qualify for a free session with me. If you haven’t you can start a from scratch online business and access a community of like minded entrepreneurs and coaches here.