The easiest way to do affiliate marketing is to buy a high ticket business model and start promoting it using paid advertising. Check out this free video series for more information.
A high ticket business structure gives you multiple earning strategies from a single sale:
- Multiple “up-sells” including high ticket digital products you can benefit from
- A built in sales team – closing sales on your behalf
- Subscription products – earn recurring commissions from each membership referral
Most affiliate products only pay you once. This means you need to promote them again and again. But if you promote memberships which have a high ticket back end products within your sales funnel, you can benefit multiple times from each customer you refer – and for the lifetime of those customers.
Easiest Way To Do Affiliate Marketing – Why Use A High Ticket Product Range
A high ticket product range gives you the ability to earn much more per customer. Some customers will only buy the entry level product. However, many will also purchase high ticket products. High ticket digital business products give you more help, support and functionality. The benefit of such a sales system is multi-fold:
- You earn more per customer, a “one off” sale only pays you once, whereas a high ticket funnel gives you multiple earning strategies
- It’s easier to use paid advertising (which is faster and more scalable)
- The range of cost/products allows more people to buy whatever their spending bracket.
- A built in sales team means you only need to promote the entry level product (through your sales funnel – high ticket items are closed “in-house” to your referrals.
- All the heavy lifting is done already. You have a choice of “done for you” templates and sales funnels. Affiliate links are automatically embedded in email templates and marketing materials.
Set And Forget Systems
While affiliate marketing isn’t easy, it’s much easier to use paid marketing than to spend huge amounts of time creating content and promoting it yourself. With a high ticket business system, it’s much more viable to use paid marketing and still come out with a profit. Whereas with smaller items it can be difficult getting traction and actually earning a profit with paid ads.
So many affiliates (myself included) use content to generate traction which takes far longer than paid marketing. Paid marketing takes a little time and effort to find a profitable campaign. But once you’ve done that, you can simply leave an advert running indefinitely and watch it build your business for you!
Still, don’t expect to get something for nothing. Many affiliates quit regardless of the money they invest in a “system”. You still need to set up your sales funnel and find a suitable marketing strategy to send leads into it. But the advantage of a high ticket sales funnel is that once you have set it up and are running a paid marketing campaign to it, it can largely run itself on semi-autopilot.
Learn Marketing
With such a system, your only real concern is to learn a marketing strategy which is scalable and reliable (paid marketing). The sales system (or funnel) can be set up very quickly with pre-loaded products and templates.
While it can take some time and effort to learn a paid marketing strategy, it’s much easier than trying to earn website traffic for free with content marketing for example. Blogging and video blogging for example can take months or even years to bare fruit. But with paid advertising you know almost immediately whether your advert is working as expected.
As you test and measure different advertising campaigns, you’ll learn which ones work the best and these are the ones to leave running and even add budget to and scale up. The rest can be stopped as soon as your data shows they are underperforming.
Profits should be re-invested back into your advertising budget as your business starts to bring in commissions. This is how multi-figure businesses are built and grown.
If you’re ready to learn more check out the free video series here.