Coaching Affiliate Program

I found a coaching affiliate program back in 2014 which offered help and support with affiliate marketing. Without coaching, affiliate marketing can be a very difficult thing to learn.

affiliate marketing coaching
Access training videos here

Although systems and automation make affiliate marketing much easier than it used to be, there’s still a lot to learn. For example, I followed a number of mentors and coaches to learn things like:

  • Tracking – Placing code on your website, landing page and checkout pages, for example to track clicks, leads and sales
  • Marketing – Running advertising campaigns using text advertising or video ads.
  • Customer avatar work – the customer avatar is your “perfect” customer. Knowing who you will target with your advertising is paramount for success as an affiliate
  • Choosing your niche – your niche is the topic/area in which you build your affiliate business. For example if you’re a sports/exercise enthusiast you might choose a niche in sports nutrition, for example
  • Knowing your numbers – knowing numbers such as the lifetime value of a customer, the cost to acquire a customer gives you the understanding you need to know when a marketing campaign will be profitable or not.

I was also able to access a ready made sales funnel loaded with multiple earning strategies. You can access it and learn more here.

Coaching Affiliate Program – Choosing To Succeed

coaching affiliate program
Three types of affiliate commissions: one time, subscription and high ticket – Access the training videos here

A coaching affiliate program is a good idea if you’re brand new to affiliate marketing. You can get help and advice, ready made sales funnels and products ready to sell. This can give you a massive head start when it comes to being an affiliate. When I started affiliate marketing I made a lot of mistakes and it took a long time before I even made a single sale.

So getting help and support from the get go is worth it’s weight in gold as it can save you a lot of time and headaches. These are some of the common mistakes made by new affiliates:

  • Shiny object syndrome – looking for the “easy way” or “magic bullet” – the next course or shiny object is always easier than facing reality
  • Being a busy fool – spending time online on low importance tasks which don’t move your affiliate business forwards
  • Getting stuck in learning mode – while it’s necessary to learn some new skills to succeed, you also need to implement these skills and start doing – even when you might fail at first. Failing forwards give you real time practical experience you can’t understand just from watching training videos
  • Giving up – You only fail if you quit! “Failing” is necessary in affiliate marketing to learn successful affiliates use their “failings” to build knowledge and get better.

Why Coaches Are Worth Your Time

Before I found a coaching affiliate program I struggled alone for years. It wasn’t until I could join live coaching sessions that I realised why I was struggling so much. Not only was I failing on some of the technical aspects of affiliate marketing, such as tracking and knowing my numbers, but I was also carrying a lot of counter-intentions.

coaching affiliate program

What are counter-intentions? While my main intention was to earn a nice income from affiliate marketing, I doubted whether I could actually do it. I had a number of underlying beliefs around self worth and making money which contradicted my desire to make a living online. These are often referred to as limiting beliefs and pretty much everyone has them. If you’ve been struggling with any aspect of your life, it’s probably down to some kind of limiting belief holding you back.

Here’s a few examples of limiting beliefs which can hold you from achieving something:

  • Making money is hard
  • I don’t care about money
  • Rich people are greedy
  • It’s wrong to want too much
  • I only want enough
  • I’m never enough
  • I’m not good enough
  • It’s more noble to be poor

If your intention is to build a profitable online business but you’re holding negative ideas around your self worth or of making money, they are likely to hold you back and send success away. It’s much easier to give up and fall back to your old paradigm (belief system). It’s not just the practical aspects of building an online business which a coach can help you with. Coaches can help you see these beliefs for what they are and help you create powerful new intentions and mantras to help dissolve old, limiting beliefs which hold you back.

Get coaching here or access the free video series here.