The best affiliate marketing coach is you using your own “mistakes” as a guide. However, it can be much quicker to find someone who has already made those mistakes. Using a coach means you can learn the many pitfalls of affiliate marketing without getting burned in the process.
Mistakes such as wasting your marketing budget before getting the basics down will cost you dearly. Experience of mistakes gives you expertise. As the saying goes: “the master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried”!
But making mistakes is costly both to your marketing budget, your time and your confidence. If your belief in building a profitable online business wanes, you can give up completely. This should be avoided because affiliate marketing can be a very lucrative business if you stick with it for long enough.
The Best Affiliate Marketing Coach Is “You”
The best affiliate marketing coach is really yourself. Nobody can even give you the lessons which you can learn by trying and “failing”. As the saying goes in affiliate marketing, you should aim to be consistently “failing forwards”. This idea of failing forwards is more to do with collecting data and winning in the long term through gaining knowledge. By learning what doesn’t work you can consistently improve on your actions to bring about the results you desire.
The problem is most affiliates who try and fail, quit. There’s no learning when you quit. To be successful as an affiliate you must go through the learning process to gain the most valuable asset – knowledge.
This is seldom won without the pain of temporary “failure”. But it’s how you see this “failure” which determines the future of your affiliate business – your attitude.
Failure Is Only Learning
Learn from Thomas Edison who patented the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb in 1880. He learned from thousands of attempts which failed. When someone remarked to him, how did you keep going when you’ve failed so much his reply was this:
“I have not failed 10,000 times... I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”
Not All Coaches Are Equal
So is there a coach out there who can help you better than the others? Coaching is a personal experience and while one coach might be good in one area, such as helping you out technically, another will help you out with other issues, such as fixing your mindset.
With an affiliate business there’s many things involved but it’s my belief that if you can fix any mindset limitations, all other issues can be fixed. Many affiliates fail with affiliate marketing so this proves that it’s not an easy journey. 95% of affiliates will drop out, a stark statistic if you’re a beginner. But don’t forget how easy it is to become an affiliate. Anyone with a laptop and internet connection can call themselves an affiliate simply by joining an affiliate program for free. This low barrier to entry should make you more optimistic about the 5% success rate figure.
Most businesses fail, affiliate marketing is a business like any other, except that it can be run online and you don’t need a physical storefront (or any products of your own) to operate it.
If you’re looking for a coach, access this free video series and join a community to find coaches and mentors.