1 On 1 Affiliate Marketing Coaching

Looking for 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching? Access a free 30 minute assessment call here. 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching can make the difference between success and failure with an affiliate business. A coach can help shine a light on your inner “blockages” such as limiting beliefs, poor self image or your circle of influence.

1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching
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Coaches can also help you understand the best affiliate marketing strategy you can use, whatever your situation. One of the hardest parts of affiliate marketing is aligning your intentions and your habits. Once you have the clarity and focus you need, you’re set up to win.

As a beginner in affiliate marketing I made a lot of mistakes. I struggled for years before I eventually got my “ducks in a row”. I would say one of the biggest obstacles with this is simply clarity. Without a clear vision of what you want to achieve, (and a roadmap to attain it), you’ll likely struggle just like I did, and many other affiliates besides. 95% of affiliates will quit, so to succeed with affiliate marketing you’ll need to stick through some difficult challenges and refuse to quit.

A coach can help you with this by holding you accountable to your actions, helping you define your intentions/goals and creating powerful routines which help drive your business forwards.

1 On 1 Affiliate Marketing Coaching – Accountability & Groupthink

Accountability is a major part of success with affiliate marketing. Who are you currently accountable to? Who holds you up when you’re ready to quit? If you’re doing it all alone, it’s a very difficult journey. Most of your circle of influence might even actually rather you didn’t succeed! Your circle of influence is your tight knit group of friends or family. As Jim Rohn puts it, “you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with“.

1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching

Have a look at those 5 people and ask yourself whether they are cheering for your success. Changing your income status, for example, also changes your friendship dynamics and some would rather it stayed the same. Often well meaning friends may even discourage you from even trying. This may not be out of malice, but it’s often an unconscious bias for you to be more like them.

People like people who like them and do as they do and think as they think. When you try something different, the “herd” will be fearful and discourage you!

1 On 1 Affiliate Marketing Coaching – Belief and Intention

On a recent coaching call we uncovered some limiting beliefs around money. In essence it was a conflict between building a profitable business, and pushing away money. I have experienced this myself too and it’s apparent that it’s a universal reality for most people. So unless you’re already ridiculously successful in every area of life, you’re probably holding some beliefs and counter-intentions which hold you from the life of your dreams!

1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching

It can be very difficult to see these ideas in yourself, since you’re living out your beliefs in real time and seldom have the awareness to notice those which no longer serve you. Many of our beliefs about ourselves, life and especially money are deep seated and have been programmed in since childhood.

See also my article on overcoming poverty mindset.

Your Product Choice & Strategy

Of course there are practical things which you need to do to make sales as an affiliate. You need a product to promote and a strategy to promote it. This is a huge topic and there’s literally millions of products you can promote and many ways to promote them.

However, in order to get fully behind your affiliate business, I would say choosing a product you are proud to promote and fully believe in makes the biggest difference. It certainly did for me anyway. I spent a long time trying to sell anything and everything just to make some money. I tried tricks and “hacks” to get the cash! But I wasn’t offering anything of value or helping anyone with anything. I was just trying to “get”, not give.

Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert website helps millions save money

When you can align yourself with a bigger reason and choose products which are massively valuable, you’re much closer to finding a business you actually want to spend time in. It’s much more rewarding both personally and financially.

I like to use the example of Martin Lewis’s website Moneysavingexpert.com. It’s not only a hugely successful affiliate website, but it’s a massively beneficial resource for millions of people through helping them with their finances. At this time in history, it’s certainly needed!

Ikigai – Aligning With Your Values

Ikigai is a Japanese word roughly translated as “reason for being”. Once you tap into your “reason for being” and align it with an affiliate business, you’re a large leap towards finding your perfect niche. What niche can you truthfully imagine working on for several years in a row? What would you do if money didn’t matter?

1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching

Here’s a quick story of a niche that I wasn’t in alignment with. I chose a niche around mushroom harvesting because I identified the lack of competition in that particular niche. At the time, I was playing around with building niche websites and ranking them on Google.

I didn’t understand the importance of ikigai in business back then! So I built a niche site which did actually rank at the top of Google for “when to harvest mushrooms”. So in that sense at least, it was a minor success. However, I had no passion or interest in my topic and it soon dropped off the rankings and I cancelled it. Another site took over, (someone who was passionate about the topic and was creating and uploading their own videos of their expertise).

Book A Call

If you’re still reading and want to have a chat, book a call with me. I love helping other affiliates out with the insights and knowledge I’ve picked up over the years. I’ve experienced both the inner and outer battles of building a profitable online business from scratch.

free coaching session

Coaching is massively important when it comes to getting focused and consistent. To succeed online you need to make a commitment to success. That means taking actions every day whether you feel like it or not!

Making small steps in the right direction and then making powerful habits out of this has definitely helped me overcome a lot of frustration and difficulties. Motivation gets you going but habit helps you stay the course. Click here to book a free 30 minute call.